Our Power to Bless

With Rev. Suzelle Lynch

Wise teacher Henri Nouwen says that to give a blessing is to affirm another person’s belovedness — to touch their original goodness. In our tense times, when we are angry with so much that is happening politically, economically and climate-wise, the practice of blessing can bring much-needed healing.

​Speaker bio:
The Rev. Suzelle Lynch (she/her/ella) served as a UU parish minister for 27 years in Brookfield, WI, and Bremerton, WA. Suzelle is known for her commitment to anti-racism and dismantling white supremacy culture. She is a co-founder of Black Lives Matter to Wisconsin UUs and antiracist citizens’ organization Tosa Together. She served on the UU Ministers’ Association’s (UUMA) Committee on Ministry for Anti-racism, Anti-oppression, and Multiculturalism and as President of the Central Midwest UUMA chapter. Suzelle lives in Janesville, WI with her partner Tom Ness, and her son Adlai Kim is studying opera in Milwaukee.

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