Writing Your Life Story
What is the life story you tell? How similar is it to the story others would tell about you?
What is the life story you tell? How similar is it to the story others would tell about you?
To state the obvious, “healing the world” seems like a such a daunting statement. Yet it is part two of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s tag line “Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World”. Let’s focus on how we help heal without becoming paralyzed by the enormity of it.
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.” This is an invitation currently used by the Unitarian Universalist Association to convey to the wider world what our religious movement is about: nurturing and healing. Of course these wonderful attributes can only be present if a congregation is healthy. But what does it mean to be a … Continue reading The Healing Power of a Healthy Congregation
In her speech titled “What They Dreamed Be Ours to Do”, the Rev. Rebecca Parker lifts up our covenental heritage and challenges us to live up to the ideals of our faith ancestors. How does our covenant at SPUUF live up to these ideals?
Francis Perkins should be one of our heroes. We benefit from her work in so many ways – safe working conditions, social security, and unemployment insurance – yet she has never received the credit. School-age children are invited to participate in “sUUmmer Camp” (activity TBD) during this service and childcare will be available for younger … Continue reading Frances Perkins: The Labor Movement’s Unknown Hero
Bring your pet to this intergenerational service! (Stuffed animals can substitute if you’re concerned about bad behavior). We will share stories of how they bless us and then bless them.
During this service you get to pick the topic. Your questions will be collected at the beginning of the service and Jim will provide his thoughtful answers on the spot. If he’s stumped, your question may just end up being a sermon topic in the future. Come hear what questions we come up with and the … Continue reading Question Box
Belonging to a secular organization is usually very transactionally based – a fee is paid to obtain services. However, belonging to a religious organization should be very different. This Sunday I invite you to consider belonging to our Fellowship as a spiritual practice. How does it nourish our spirits and those we invite into our … Continue reading Belonging As A Spiritual Practice
Hear a summary of this year’s Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly in Spokane followed by a discussion of what it means for our Fellowship. (Board Meeting after service)