Speaker: Rev. Jim Coakley

Church of the Holy Brunch

the spirit of all the cooking shows out there now, we thought we’d create our own brunch “service”. You bring your best brunch entree with a recipe to share and our fellowship will make it a holy time together. All are invited – even if you don’t cook, please come and enjoy our bountiful brunch!

Flower Communion

This is our annual intergenerational service in which we share the beauty of springtime with each other. The ritural of flower communion was originally created by a Unitarian minister in Prague who eventually lost his life defying the Nazi’s in World War II. Please bring a flower or two to share in community.

UU Holy Week

As we enter the Jewish Passover and the Christian Holy Week, we are reminded that many world religions set aside a time each year for self-reflection and renewal. What could that look like in a Unitarian Universalist context?

Is Transformation Really Possible?

t seems like so many things need to be transformed – our economy, our politics, our spirituality, our health – just to name a few. Is “transformation” really possible? Maybe it’s akin to “boiling the ocean”? How do we continue to strive for transformation without losing hope?

Dare to Dream

Fifty years ago a small group of families took a big risk to start our Fellowship. Now we are daring to dream about our future.

Finding Hope Together at Christmas

The early Christian Church came together to share food and honor the symbol of hope Jesus represented for their very broken world. We will do the same this Christmas Eve at 6:30. You are invited to bring a snack to share.

Stories of Gratitude

The very talented keyboardist Doug Komandt joins Minister Jim and others for an upbeat service filled with music and narrative in honor of giving thanks.