Topic: Trust

We Covenant with One Another

A reminder that our Unitarian Universalist faith is not grounded in a common doctrine or creed, but rather in a simple covenent of love and respect. How do we live into this covenant on a daily basis?”

The Power of “We”

(Recapping the 2019 UUA General Assembly) In a time of great challenge and heartbreak in our world, what does our faith demand from us? At this year’s General Assembly we will explore the power, possibility, purpose, struggle and joy of finding the path forward together as Unitarian Universalists.

Exploring Trust

Come explore the meaning of trust and apply it to building relationships with teens as well as ourselves and others. *Connor and his son, Steele, have been active participants in the Stevens Point Fellowship and friends of the Fellowship for over the past eight years. Connor was a stay-at-home dad with Steele from birth to … Continue reading Exploring Trust

How Can I Trust You?

The renowned relationship researcher, Dr. John Gottman, views trust as an action rather than merely an abstract belief. His book, The Science of Trust, is the basis for my thoughts on healthy long-term trusting relationships.